I am my father's daughter

on Sunday, September 11, 2011

More than once a week, while talking to my mother, she lets out some sort of guttural groan and says "god you're just like your father." It's true, we are a bit of peas in a pod. That being said, I think I'm an awful lot like my mom too and I feel fortunate to have incredible relationships with both of them. I got back to the basics when I went home and focused on the things that make my parents and I so dang great. We are humble, clearly. Creative. Intelligent. Quirky. Charming as heck. We are silly, to say the least. My parents met in photography school, fell in all kinds of love, my dad became a documentary filmmaker, then computer scientist, then genius engineering consultant while mom became a medical photographer (strange for such a squeamish person) and eventually a food photographer and stylist. While looking for my own art portfolio and supplies I found my dad's old art portfolio with some of my mom's work inside...I obviously stole most of it for my new apartment.

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