My Super Embarrassing Playlist

on Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We all have them. The playlists we absolutely love but hope no one ever notices because it would beyond destroy any hipster cred we might have. Songs with lyrics that, as a social justicey, feminist, retro, elitist snob make my brain want to explode. But for some reason, as Shakira would say, "my hips don't lie"and I can't help from listening to them every time I need to clean or go to the gym  get ready to go out. So here you go, my super embarrassing playlist of Fall 2011:

Don't judge too hard.

(PS. I have an extensive rant regarding the lyrics of "I Just Had Sex"- feel free to ask sometime!)

I am going to go paint and listen to Ratatat. Hopefully that restores some of the self-respect I just lost.

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