We were lucky to spend Saturday night as VIPs at the Dessa/Elixery lipstick launch at Icehouse. In addition to being breathtakingly talented, Dessa is a genuinely nice person. She saw us struggling with my camera and popped right over and said "Oh is that a G10? I had the same problem with it!" and proceeded to help us figure out what was wrong (the flash was turned WAY up, for the record, which I had no idea was a thing you could do). We got deluxe gift bags which included: a full size Dessa lipstick, samples of a few other Elixery shades and their lip scrub, 2Gingers Whiskey, Red Vines, Peace Coffee, Fashion Tape, Bodylish Natural Soap AND a ring from Angel Teske Jewelry. Seeing as the Mister doesn't tend towards a number of those products, I hit the jackpot BIG time. The Icehouse whipped up special drinks in honor of Dessa for the event which were delish and ever so charmingly matched the lipstick perfectly.
The Elixery makes a damn good lipstick- the perfect red, created from raw pigment with the proceeds going to CARE. There were incredible performances by Dessa, Aby Wolf and my lovely friend Ashley Gold (who made my boyfriend's night by agreeing to a double smooch...OK fine it made my night). All together an amazing evening, and for a good cause. If you like lipstick, or are feeling like you might want to try a bold red, I'd snap this up in an instant. AND you will be doing good when your cash goes to CARE. Buy it now!
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