Angie Reads

on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

OK, kind of. Usually I get half way through a book and give up because I'm bored. Wonder which of these will actually make it to the finish line.

The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach To Life's Challenges// Gilbert
>>Mindfulness:yes, please!<<

Conversation: A History of a Declining Art/ Miller
>>for anyone that appreciates truly good conversation<<

Life of Pi/ Martel
>>ya, bored<<

Oh and did I mention I need GLASSES(those are fake, duh)? I'm not totally disappointed. I look really cute in them. Apparently "computer glasses" are not a sham and my eyeballs are incapable of readjusting to the real world after a day of staring at a computer screen. Darn evolution, failing to keep up with advances in technology and the new world. Check back in to join me on my glasses hunt!

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