Local Spotlight: Rank and FIle

on Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I went to visit the lovely Meghan and Rae at their shop, Mighty Swell, last weekend and was absolutely delighted to find a few additions to their collection of stellar vintage-excellently hand-crafted local goods! Check out these adorable pennants from Rank and File--I grabbed up one for me and one for a friend!

quiet/LOUD: 11/28/11

on Monday, November 28, 2011

So I made some mix CDs recently organized into quiet and loud-I think I am going to start doing that all the time...and in addition, posting quiet/LOUD of the week every Monday (oh man, putting a lot of expectations on myself with that)--let's do this.  Thanks to the delightful Sarah for sending me a mix CD with our first quiet track--

quiet :: Still Corners- Eyes (sidenote- lovvvve the video, as well)

LOUD :: Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Tick (oldie, but goodie)


on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My friend Amy Nieto just made this absolutely stunning 2012 star calendar. She is truly, truly talented....and a hot saucy mama to boot. You better believe these will be going out to a lot of my friends.

Bunny Love: In Print

on Sunday, November 20, 2011

Illustration by HoneyCup
Home for Bunnies Print by NoosedKitty

Illustration by Anna Tillett Designs, based on this song
Trish Grantham, one of my favorites.

Just a reminder: Why We're Here

on Wednesday, November 16, 2011

As the harsh reminders of the impending winter are upon us, I thought it might be a good time to re-watch this touching love letter to our fair city by Seven and Sixty Productions. I literally weep every time I see it (read: I'm totally crying right now). I hope they make another one- I would love to be in it. I promise not to cry on camera.

"Something about Minneapolis, it calls you back" It's true, so true.

Seriously, I'm still crying. 

The Glasses Hunt

on Sunday, November 13, 2011

As I mentioned before, I recently learned that I need glasses...computer glasses to be exact. I went on the search and here is what I came across on Zenni Optical. Despite the awesomeness and reasonable prices of these I ended up breaking the bank with another (name brand) pair- I like what I like, what can I say?

In Print: Que Sera, Sera

on Friday, November 11, 2011

Feeling awfully inspired by the new graphic design exhibit at the Walker. Not that I needed any more stuff to spend money on, but I've always loved this song--

By HereMyDear, $18

My Super Embarrassing Playlist

on Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We all have them. The playlists we absolutely love but hope no one ever notices because it would beyond destroy any hipster cred we might have. Songs with lyrics that, as a social justicey, feminist, retro, elitist snob make my brain want to explode. But for some reason, as Shakira would say, "my hips don't lie"and I can't help from listening to them every time I need to clean or go to the gym  get ready to go out. So here you go, my super embarrassing playlist of Fall 2011:

Don't judge too hard.

(PS. I have an extensive rant regarding the lyrics of "I Just Had Sex"- feel free to ask sometime!)

I am going to go paint and listen to Ratatat. Hopefully that restores some of the self-respect I just lost.

Angie Reads

on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

OK, kind of. Usually I get half way through a book and give up because I'm bored. Wonder which of these will actually make it to the finish line.

The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach To Life's Challenges// Gilbert
>>Mindfulness:yes, please!<<

Conversation: A History of a Declining Art/ Miller
>>for anyone that appreciates truly good conversation<<

Life of Pi/ Martel
>>ya, bored<<

Oh and did I mention I need GLASSES(those are fake, duh)? I'm not totally disappointed. I look really cute in them. Apparently "computer glasses" are not a sham and my eyeballs are incapable of readjusting to the real world after a day of staring at a computer screen. Darn evolution, failing to keep up with advances in technology and the new world. Check back in to join me on my glasses hunt!